Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q)

This form can be used as a tool to assess your eating, weight, and shape concerns and/or as part of your eligibility for an Eating Disorder Management Plan.

Please note, this form will not be treated as an initial inquiry or referral to Centre for Integrative Health. If you are seeking support for eating or weight concerns for yourself or someone else, please contact our client care team on (07) 3161 0845 or 

About you

Where should we email a copy of the completed and scored questionaire?

Respondent's Information

Eating Disorder Questionnaire

The following questions are concerned with the past four weeks (28 days) only.

On how many of the past 28 days....

For the following questions, please select the appropriate number. Please note that for these questions the term “binge eating” means eating what others would regard as an unusually large amount of food for the circumstances, accompanied by a sense of having lost control over eating.

On how many of the past 28 days...